What's new in version 32? At first thanks all who use my app. I think this people must have many of patience and lenency for my soft and for me. Sorry all that it crashes, hang, works slow and other annoying disturb situations. 1. For full functions app use sse4. On sse3 cpus some functions are disabled. I prepare sse2 version for old fashioned people. App is windows XP+. I tested executables on my see2, sse3 and sse4+ machines. 2. Fixing normal vectors posibility - Do random rotary and parallel projection two times with disabled and enabled backface culling. Triangles that was rendered first time and not second time have non correct sense of normal vector. (Render operation is performed only in iside memory area, non displayed on screen.) Pressing a few times this button make posible cure mismatched sense of normal vectors. 3. Possibility for scale freshly joined object (M key), only along X and Y axis. First set 'NextM edit' button 'on' and use mouse and its left button to move green bar on /edit area/. 4. I rewrite some 'shame' FPU only procs - (calculating colors buffer, doing environment mapping). 5. Less branches on triangles proc (3flat_f, 3stencil). This allow faster performing 'remove inside faces' and 'mark inner vertices' options. They run using many cpu cores. 'rm inside fac' on up to 4 cores, 'mrk in vert' up to 16 cores (I limit used cores count because every core use some amount of ram witch is limited for 32bits app) ,but I tested it only on 4 cores so bugs may occur.. 6. I tried bmp, pcx basic load ('X' key) -- very buggy. 7. I made texture mapping +/- posibility. 8. Posibility to clone/copy current object. Such clone has increased 'x' coordinate, this value can be set throug 'set ap tol' button, according to appropiate falg. 9. 32b - Minor bug correction; textured triangle code cleaning, refractoring (file bump_tex.inc); UI button desc extending (readme.txt).. I attach some objects in (3ds format), I done in win32ds app. Its Easter scene and some chip visulization and object from my demo Mater_Dolorosa... Maciej Guba, May 2022.